A selection of our press coverage. For a press pack, please email hello [at] lunatraktors [dot] space
Jim Hickson, Live Review, May 2022 ​
'Traditional British music filtered through layers of avant-garde theatricality to create something both intricate and dramatic. Off-kilter rhythms, weird dissonances and voices so rich they could fill a stadium: Lunatraktors would be folk as high art, except they don’t take themselves too seriously. Instead, their music is majestic, madcap and totally unique.'
Liz Aggiss, December 2021 ​
'Lunatraktors smash their unique genre of broken folk, to a pulp. Listen well and watch carefully with all senses alert. This is no lie back passive experience, but an active contract to engage in a compelling stage presence.'
Jo Kay, October 2021 ​
'There have been many uplifting, exciting & joyful moments so far at this year’s Manchester Folk Fest, but my discovery tonight of the inspired Lunatraktors feels like A Moment. Yes, in title case. Original, wildly talented and utterly utterly charming.'
Françios Gorin, Telerama, July 2021
‘Affreusement beau, terriblement régénérant, drôlement triste.’ [Awfully beautiful, terribly refreshing, absurdly sad.]
Harry Harris (Interview), M Magazine, June 2021
'Folk music is conceptual art, and not only do Lunatraktors understand that, but they run with it. It is music and storytelling that invites us to consider everything that has come before, and everything still to come.'
Robin Denselow, Songlines, June 2021
★★★★ – ‘An intriguing duo... a sparse, bravely original style.’
Nick Barber, Spiral Earth, June 2021
★★★★ – ‘Resistance and opposition is core to the release but it’s not delivered drily – there’s dark humour… irony and character in the vocal delivery that underscores the message.’
‘The missing star est en tous points abouti, imprévu et singulier. On s’incline devant sa performance, on loue son esprit délibérément défricheur.’ [The Missing Star is in every way an achievement, unforeseen and unique. We bow to its performance, we praise its deliberately pioneering spirit.]
Fiona Haic, Get in Her Ears, June 2021
‘The Missing Star is an intriguing and innovative album. In its clever reworking of old and new, what endures still resonates – love, betrayal, loss, corruption. Stories of our common humanity beyond borders and time are told with a beautifully stirring musicality and striking emotion.’
Billy Rough, Folk Radio UK, April 2021
‘A powerful comment on the politics of our day, it deserves a wider listen, and I for one, would love to see this performed live. A timely recording. We need this.’